
皇帝台灯 emperor table lamp
330 φ | 460 h
摩伊 moooi (荷兰)
如恩制作 Neri Hu


"This oversized light was inspired by a made-believe folklore story of an Asian emperor & a beautiful nightingale…Once upon a time an Asian emperor was given a nightingale as a gift. The bird was so beautiful and sang in such a bewitching way that the emperor fell immediately in love with it and decided to keep it forever by his side. So the nightingale was put in a beautiful, majestic cage in the imperial chambers & became the delight of the emperor's days…Neri & Hu took on a modern translation of this story and produced a collection of pendant/floor/table lamps in stained woven bamboo. The poetics of an emperor's life, a life no longer relevantin today's world, can be abstracted in the form of an object such as the light. The use of hand-crafted bamboo weaving in an industrial product creates an elegant yet uncanny design statement. A lamp so particular & majestic that it could become your personal nightingale forever by your side to brighten up your days.The Emperor collection includes suspension, floor and table lamps. They are offered with a glass diffuser that creates a very warm glow of light. Each cage is woven by hand and therefore has a unique character. Touch dimmer on table lamp is operated by touching the stem.


摩伊 moooi

十多年以来,荷兰家居品牌Moooi以其璀璨夺目的创新设计,点亮、启示并诱惑了整个世界。 在2001年由Marcel Wanders和Casper Vissers以他们的母语荷兰语中的“优美”一词来加以命名的——品牌中的第三个“o”代表了美感和独特的附加价值。自从2015年9月1日以来,Robin Bevers就接替了Moooi合伙创始人Casper Vissers的职位,担任Moooi的首席执行。 自2013年以来,公司的艺术指导工作由Marcel Wanders和Desirée de Jong负责。两位颇具创新力的灵魂人物引领了公司的创新潜力。两个创造性的领导者给公司带来更大的创造性潜力。Wanders和Vissers维系了对品牌的影响力,同时也负责整体的设计方案选择。 除了Marcel Wanders的设计,Moooi的产品目录中还包含了一系列其它国家和国际知名设计师的作品。这些其中的设计师包括:Jurgen Bey, Bertjan Pot, Maarten Baas, Jaime Hayon, Neri & Hu, Joost van Bleiswijk, Studio Job和Nika Zupanc。 Moooi产品系列的风格独特而大胆、活泼而细腻,并且坚信设计是一种热爱。产品永恒的美感拥有独特的古典特质,并融合了现代的时尚感。这种融合使品牌专注于明星产品的生产制造。 Moooi设计独树一帜的融合了照明、家具和配套附件产品,这在日常起居的室内空间展现的淋漓尽致,Moooi打造了以各种图案和颜色来装饰的内部环境来适应各种不同风格的空间,并使不同年龄、不同文化和不同性格的人们爱上自己的家居环境。 这种意想不到的家居理念为生活带来了全新的理念,并激励着Moooi公司用一点魔力点亮整个美好生活。产品所在之处,视域在变换,每个人都能停下来感受这种闲情逸致,在这里文化和阅历达到了完美的融合,并使得家居环境更加优美,更加独特。
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